- Write a command to print the ouput “Today is Tuesday, 5th day of month, year”.
Sol. date
+”Today is %a, %d of %b, %Y”
- Assume that files in a directory are “filename_dd_mm_yy”, write a command to list the files created today.
Sol. ls
*_`date +”%d_%m_%y”`
- Write a command to copy a file x to y using cat.
Sol. cat
x > y
- Write a command to copy the contents of 2 files into a third file.
Sol. cat
x y > z
- Write a command to copy the contents of x, user input, y into a file.
Sol. cat
x - y > z
- Write a command to copy the contents of x and y prefixing the file name before starting file contents.
Sol. ls x > z; cat x >> z; ls y
>> z; cat y >> z
x; cat x; ls y; cat y) > z
- Write a command to generate the following into a file
Files of the directory
Total files in the directory are
(echo –e “Files of the directory `pwd` on `date +%D`\n\n”;
ls -l;echo –e “\n\n Total files in the
directory are `ls –l | wc –l`”) > z
- Assume package name of each java program is in line 1, write a command to display all package names.
Sol. head
-1 *.java
- Write a command to display top 3 files which were created recently.
Sol. ls
-ltr | head -4 | tail -3
ls -ltr | tail +2 |
head -3
- Write a command to display lines 23 to 44 of file y.
Sol. head
-44 y | tail +23
- Write a command to count number of words in last but one line of file y.
Sol. tail
-2 y | head -1 | wc -w
- Write a command to display 15th line of every file in the current dir.
Sol. cannot
be solved with commands need to write shell script.
- Write a command to display the total number of bytes used by all files of the current directory.
Sol. wc
–c * | tail -1
* | wc -c
- Write a command to copy file x to y only if y not exits.
Sol ls y || cp x y
- Write a command to convert all characters of file x to capitals.
Sol cat x | tr “a-z” “A-Z”
tr “a-z” “A-Z” < x
- Write a command to count number of spaces in line 15 of file x.
Sol head
-15 x | tail -1 | tr –cd “ “ | wc -c
- Write a command to convert all tabs to spaces of a file.
Sol cat x | tr “\t” “ “
- Write a command to join all lines of a file.
Sol cat x | tr “\n” “ “
- Write a command to join lines 15 & 24 of a file.
Sol (head
-15 x | tail -1; head -24 x | tail -1) | tr “\n” “ “
‘head -15 x | tail -1` `head -24 x | tail -1`
- Write a command to display machine hardware type.
Sol uname
–a | cut –d” “ –f6
- Write a command to display file permissions and filename.
Sol ls
-l | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f1,9
- Write a command to display the file mask applied for file owner.
Sol umask
| cut –c 1
- Write a command to display empno, empname and sal from emp.db.
Sol cut
-d"|" -f1-2,6 emp.db
- Write a command to display the total time taken for the above query.
Sol time
cut -d"|" -f1-2,6 emp.db | tail -3 | head -1
- Write a command to calculate total amount used by company as salaries.
Sol echo `cut -d"|" -f6
emp.db | tail +3 | tr "\n" "+"` 0 | bc
- Write
a command to calculate total amount used by company as salaries along with
the message “Total Salary of all employees is :
Sol echo
-e "Total salary of all employess is
: \c";
echo `cut
-d"|" -f6 emp.db | tail +3 | tr "\n" "+"` 0 | bc
- Write a command to count number of employees in department 10.
Sol cut
-d"|" -f8 emp.db | grep -wc 10
- Write a command to list all employees in the department in which SMITH is working.
Sol cut
-d"|" -f2,8 emp.db | \grep -w
`cut -d"|" -f2,8 emp.db |
grep -w SMITH | cut
-d"|" -f2
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